Lookup Email

Due to COVID safety regulations, most practices are strongly encouraging all parents/patients to update their health information and complete the COVID Wellness Screening and Consent  forms through the Web Patient Portal.  While parents and patients may have created a DOX|eComm account in the past, many do not remember their username and password.  Our Web Portal includes an option at the login screen called “Forgot Password”.  However, the parent must provide the original email address that they used to create the DOX|eComm account.  If the parent/patient does not use the original email address, they will not be able to reset the password.

DOX includes a helpful tool for the practice to assist parents/patients that are having difficulty resetting their password.

  1. To access this tool, go to an unused workspace and select File|Lookup Email.
  2. The Find feature defaults to Email Address. To assist someone having difficulty resetting a password or logging in, we suggest that you look up by Account ID. Click the dropdown arrow in the Find option and select Account ID (Figure A).  Then click the binoculars/arrow icon (Figure B).

Note: In older versions of DOX, this tool only allows the office to lookup by email address.  Web Update 1331 includes the new option to lookup by Account ID.

  1. When the office looks up by Account ID, the system will display two lines, one representing the email address saved in the Account record and the other line representing the email address assigned to the DOX|eComm account (Figure C). Reminder: The DOX|eComm email address is the only email that can be used to reset a password!
  2. Instruct the parent/patient to use their DOX|eComm email to reset the password. Additionally, you might suggest they try the DOX|eComm email address as the username and see if they are able to log in successfully.
  3. If a parent/patient indicates that they no longer have access to the email address, then the office must delete this account by logging into the DOX|eComm site with their administrator credentials.